Be sure to review your program Welcome Packet! 2025 Academy Welcome Packet, 2025 Summer College Welcome Packet, or 2025 College Prep Welcome Packet.
Important Deadlines:
- Student Life Forms are due 6 weeks before your arrival on campus.
- GOCard Photo Submissions are due 2 weeks before your arrival on campus.
- Switch Tech Registration (RESIDENTIAL STUDENTS ONLY) can be completed no more than 16 days before your arrival on campus.
Pre-Registration & Password Login
- You should have already received your NetID and password. If you cannot locate your Georgetown Credentials, please contact the Summer Programs Office directly. If you have not created a password, please check the “Forgot Password” Section with University Information Services.
- Before you register for courses, be sure to download the Duo App to enroll in two-factor authentication. Please ensure that Duo is installed on the student's phone as they will need it to log in to Georgetown’s systems.
- Change your temporary password to a permanent passphrase, after enrolling in Duo.
You will not be able to register or use all of the Georgetown Systems before completing the above steps.
Helpful Links: Changing Your Password If You’re New to Georgetown
- Review the step-by-step instructions on how to register for your desired available course, as found on our Register page.
- If your desired course is no longer available, you can add your name to the program waitlist at no additional cost. If a seat becomes available to you, our office will contact you with instructions on how to claim it.
Helpful Links: Video- How to Register for a Credit Course
Tuition Payment for Academy Students
In order to register for your desired available course, you will need to submit tuition payment in-full within the MySCS Student Portal.
Tuition Payment for Summer College and College Prep Students
- After you have registered for your credit course, your UBill will be released in April by the Office of Revenue and Receivables. To review your tuition bill and to submit payment electronically, log in to GU Experience, beginning in April, to complete the payment process.
- Tuition Deadlines: Summer College 1 and Summer College 3 (Online): May 16, 2025 and Summer College 2 and College Prep: June 27, 2025.
Helpful Links: Summer Billing Calendar for Summer College and College Prep
Pre-Arrival Steps
Accessing Your Georgetown Email Address
All registered students will have access to a Georgetown Email Address (your All communication from Georgetown will be sent to your Georgetown Email Address. We strongly encourage registered students to check their Georgetown Email Address daily for updates about their program, from our office, and from the University.
Helpful Links:
Completing your Student Life Forms via CampDoc
- All registered students must complete and submit their Student Life Forms via CampDoc seven (7) weeks before their program start date.
- CampDoc Invitations are sent to the student’s Georgetown Email Address (your and the listed parent/guardian's email address starting in the spring semester.
Helpful Links:
Setting Up Your GOCard
- The GOCard (the Georgetown One Card) is Georgetown’s official identification card (Mobile). The card is issued to all members of the Georgetown community, including students, faculty, and staff. All Academy, Summer College, and College Prep students are required to have a GOCard.
- You will only be able to activate your mobile GOCard during the week before you arrive on campus. Tech Support will be available at check-in.
Helpful Link: Getting Your New GOCard
Switch Tech Set-Up (Residential Students Only)
- Residence hall rooms are equipped with Bluetooth activated locks using the Switch Tech Mobile App.
- 3-5 days before your arrival, students will receive an email, to their Georgetown Email Address, with a 16 digit Personal “Registration Token”/Activation Code. This code will activate the SwitchTech access. Students should only claim the code ONCE, or the student will be locked out of their account.
Helpful Link: Keys and Switch Tech Locks
Arrival on Campus
- Check-in information (time and location) is located within your Program Welcome Packet, and additional communication will be sent to your Georgetown Email Address.
Helpful Links: